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Walking in Muir's Light
the John Muir Trail 100 Paintings Project
The John Muir Trail (JMT) is one of America's best known, most scenic, and treasured trails. It follows the Sierra Nevada crest from Yosemite National Park to Mt Whitney, (highest peak in the lower 48.) It is named after John Muir, naturalist, environmental philosopher and champion for the establishment of U.S. National Parks.
Rumm has thru-hiked the 211 mile John Muir Trail four times. She plans to complete a fifth journey summer 2025, and create art along the way.
“My romance with the JMT began as a child — my parents spent their hard-earned vacations taking backpack trips with us four kids in the High Sierra. As a family we covered much of the Muir Trail and other peripheral areas. These trips set the stage for me as an artist later in life - I remain captured by the grandeur, intimacy and mystery of the Range of Light.” —Faith Rumm

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